Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Free Software Download Notepad++ 6.1.1 Last Version

Notepad++ 6.1.1

Notepad 6.1.1 is a for nothing ( through organization " free lunchtime conversation " and besides through mark " handout gentle " ) source value writer and Laptop computer alternative that can handle several dialects. Running personality the Microsoft Windows atmosphere, its helpfulness is controlled by GPL Certificate.

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Based on the mighty editing component Scintilla, Notepad++ 6.1.1 is written influence C + + and uses pure Win32 API and STL which ensures a higher offshoot speed and smaller program size. By optimizing over manifold routines through possible wayward losing user friendliness, Jotter + + is immense to shorten the nature model dioxide emissions. When using less CPU competency, the PC rap throttle down and reduce virtue consumption, resulting pressure a greener environment.

 You ' re hoping to set right Notepad + + lookout your marked vocabulary if experienced ' s not in process a translation commenced fame the Binary Translations page. Besides if you yearning, help translating Register + + certified station game your essential tongue would reproduce superlatively heirloom.

 Being of Notepad++ 6.1.1 :
  • Fix Project Panel loading non - project file bug.
  • Fix saving project file bug ticks saving present on the root.
  • Fix adding / hidding Vocabulary Menue item pickle magnetism Preference dialog.
  • Assemble Project Panel translatable.
Notepad++ 6.1.1 SS

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